Free Resources for Wedding Planners to help you fast track your new career.
Before I tell you about our free resources we’re putting out for those looking to start a career as a wedding planner, I have a question for you.
How many of you remember Olivia Newton John’s hit, Get Physical? (She played Sandy in Grease)
Well I do, which is probably showing my age right now, but hey ho.
It was a feel good song that you ended up humming all day.
But what if you changed those lyrics to ‘Get Positive’ instead?
I realise this is a worrying time for everyone. None of us know exactly how long we’re in this for or what life will look like after it.
But one thing I can tell you, categorically, is that there will be an end.
It won’t go on forever and the things you want to focus on now aren’t the things out of your control, like whether or not you can socialise, but the things you can control.
Take the gift of time you’ve been given and do something for yourself, whatever that might be.
Ask yourself the big questions.
If you could do or be anything you wanted what would it be?
Is it your dream to start a career in the wedding industry? To run your own business?
If it is then use this time to research your options.
Start that course you’ve been thinking of taking.
Register a company name, set up your wedding business social media, whatever it is you can do right now to kickstart things.
This period doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom. It’s only that way if you let it be that way.
Whatever you’re facing right now I want you to remember…
This is just another curve ball life has thrown into our path and like with all life’s other curve balls, we will deal with it and come through the other side.
I’m generally a very positive person and I want to share that positivity with you today.
It’s time to put your big girl/boy pants on and be the person you know you want to be. And I want to help you do that.
So I’ve put together a bundle of FREE resources to get you started. Inside you’ll find:
- Guide: 10 Steps to Starting a Wedding Business
- eBook: How to Get Images for Your Portfolio
- Guide: How to Create a Career Vision Board
- Report: The International Wedding Trend Report (published by the Academy)
- eBook: 5 Mistakes New Wedding Planners Make
Today’s catchphrase of the day is LET’S GET POSITIVE!
Come on Kylie, let’s do this together.
Download your freebies by CLICKING HERE and stay tuned for some more exciting announcements coming your way.
Your Inbox is now your gateway to the world so keep it open and checked regularly.
Stay safe, stay healthy and stay positive.