Virgina Woolf has a theory that every woman needs a ‘room of one’s own’. I’d like to rename this to every wedding planner needs a room of one’s own. One where you can be creative. And if not a whole room then at least a designated space within your home.
Today I want to get you to focus on personalising your space so it’s one you walk into and immediately feel inspired and ready to work.
Too often the ‘Home Office‘ is a hastily thrown together space with work piled high in one corner and the washing basket, kids toys etc. in the other.
This is so distracting and doesn’t lead to great work.
Even if you don’t have an entire room to call your office it’s so important that you set a boundary between home and work.
Whatever the case your first step should be to clear it of clutter. And then make the decision that you won’t use it as a dumping ground for other things.
Look at the furniture you already have to assess what you need to add and what can go.
My BIG tip is to go beyond office supply stores. Hop onto Pinterest and start to look for home office inspiration. We’ve created a board to get you started…
Also check out items you have in other rooms and decide if they could find a new home in your office.
I have a gorgeous grey velvet chair in my office that used to be stuck in a corridor in our house. It was stuck in no man’s land and now it looks fabulous.
If you don’t have a whole room to use then make sure it’s set up in a way that makes it obvious to others that this is your work space. Ideally it should be a quiet area of the home where you can escape the hustle and bustle of family life.
Regardless of the space you have these tips will help you to personalise your space. Time to create a ‘room or space of your own‘.
Whether your office is a room or a space everything should have its own place. Most of the disorganisation in our home starts with the simple fact that each item does not have a place.
If you struggle with the idea of decluttering here’s a great video from Marie Kondo – How to Tidy a Home Office.
And there’s always professionals to help you work through your clutter and develop easy strategies to become a more organised.
A great option for a home office within another room is to use a desk that is also a cupboard. You can convert an existing cupboard into a desk and storage unit or buy one. This works so well in this type of space because it can be packed up and closed when not in use. Choose something that complements the décor of the room and if you want to get creative use paint and textures to personalise it.
When considering storage think about the way you work. What do you use every day and what comes out once in a blue moon?
Do you have piles of magazines and books for reference? Often these things are stacked up on the desk when they don’t need to be.
Try to keep your clutter to a minimum.
Keep storage simple with shelves and boxes, and use stickers to label the contents. This is where you can start to put your individual stamp on your office. What styles and colours do you like?
There are so many options out there now for decorating and storage. Scrapbooking shops have lovely storage boxes that can be used for filing.
I love colour so I have pops of colour everywhere. From brightly coloured vases to flowers. I also have my vision board pinned where I can see it every day.
Using a room that already has a purpose, such as a spare bedroom, for a home office, requires thought about colour and texture.
You want symmetry between the two spaces but you also need to clearly define your office space from the rest of the room.
By using art, small objects and colour you can bring the two spaces together whilst defining the two uses of the room.
Upholstery is another way to achieve this. Have your desk chair covered in a fabric you love that fits in with the décor of the room. Rugs are another way of achieving a personal look. Plus, they give off a cosy vibe.
Working near a source of natural light is good for your health so try putting your desk near a window. I stay away from overhead lighting as it doesn’t give off a great light. Instead, use a lamp fitted with a halogen bulb, to create functional mood lighting.
Forget traditional desk lamps and choose a lamp that reflects your style and taste.
I hope these tips help and remember this is your space and you’re going to spend a lot of time in it so make it one you want to be in.
We’d love to see your home office. Share with us on Instagram and don’t forget to tag us @weddingacademylive