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Certificate in Wedding Business & Marketing

Immerse yourself in a comprehensive program designed to elevate every facet of your wedding business, from breathtaking styling to strategic marketing and beyond.

Whether you’re a wedding planner, floral designer, a celebrant, or a bridal boutique owner, this course is your blueprint for success.

 It’s time to turn your dream into a thriving reality, creating memorable, heart-stirring celebrations that speak the language of love and perfection.

Become a Certified Wedding Professional

This course isn’t just about learning; it’s about transforming you into a savvy wedding entrepreneur, adept in navigating the intricacies of marketing, brand building, and client relations, ensuring your services are not just sought-after but celebrated.

Why choose this course:

This course seamlessly blends the foundational theories of business and marketing with the latest practical, real-world applications, ensuring that you’re not just absorbing information, but truly mastering the nuances of wedding business strategy and client engagement.

Equipped with access to an international network of industry professionals, cutting-edge learning materials, and ongoing support, students are not merely educated but are empowered to thrive in the dynamic and diverse field of wedding business.

Whether you’re a celebrant aiming to craft unforgettable ceremonies, a planner orchestrating seamless wedding events, a bridal boutique owner curating exquisite collections, or a photographer capturing timeless moments, this course is your roadmap to excellence. It equips you with the profound knowledge, unwavering confidence, and distinctive edge vital for success in the multifaceted and ever-evolving wedding industry. Embrace the journey to become a leader in your field, turning every wedding into a masterpiece and every business endeavor into a triumph.

Why Wedding Academy?

With up-to-date and industry-relevant content, students are guaranteed an education that is both current and comprehensive, ensuring they stay ahead in the ever-evolving wedding industry. 

The course’s flexible learning structure allows students to balance their studies with personal and professional commitments, offering a learning journey that adapts to their lifestyle. 

Beyond the course completion, ongoing training and support are available, providing a continuous learning environment that nurtures growth and development. 

Financial accessibility is also a priority, with various payment plans ensuring that the course is within reach, allowing students to invest in their future without financial strain. 

This holistic approach ensures that students are not just educated but are truly prepared to excel and innovate in the dynamic field of wedding planning.

Dynamic Learning, Real Application

Engage in a dynamic learning experience where theory seamlessly blends with real-world application. Dive into interactive sessions, explore case studies, and undertake your optional Certification project that refine your skills and boost your confidence.

Your Wedding Professional Toolkit

Gain exclusive access to essential templates, checklists, and resources – your secret weapons for becoming the go-to expert in your wedding category. From initial client consultations to handling unexpected twists, this toolkit has you covered every step of the way.

Community of Wedding Enthusiasts

Join a global network of passionate wedding enthusiasts, industry experts, and mentors. Collaborate, share ideas, and become part of a community that nurtures your growth, extending support beyond the course.

Ongoing Training and Support

Regular trainings and updates from the Head of Wedding Planning to implement the latest trends and techniques and the option of personalised paid coaching.


stepping into a world where your passion for weddings merges seamlessly with expert business and marketing strategies. Each day unfolds as a new chapter in your journey of entrepreneurial success and industry innovation.

With the Certificate in Wedding Business & Marketing, your deep understanding of the wedding industry is enriched with a robust blend of marketing knowledge and practical business skills. Your professional identity is not just recognized; it’s revered, setting you apart in a competitive market.

Imagine your strategic foresight and creative flair drawing in discerning clients, opening doors to groundbreaking projects and prosperous ventures. Your expertise, honed through this course, positions you not just to follow trends but to define them, transforming each wedding-related endeavor into a testament to success.

You’ll have the formation of invaluable connections. A supportive, collaborative community awaits, where enduring relationships with mentors, industry leaders, and fellow enthusiasts are not just possible but inevitable.

The Certificate in Wedding Business & Marketing is the gateway to a future where your entrepreneurial spirit, coupled with your marketing acumen, sets the gold standard in the ever-evolving, vibrant landscape of the wedding industry.

Meet Jac Bowie

As the owner of The Wedding Academy, I oversee the content & updates for this course, and I am also here to support you through your course journey with a free 30min introductory Zoom session when you start. 

After this, you’ll have monthly trainings to keep you up to date, and see regular engagement and contributions to update your content from me. 

Should you require more personalised assistance during and after your course, you’re also welcome to book in for online private coaching as you need. Available worldwide.

xx Jac Bowie


Access your course anywhere.

Gain flexibility in accessing your Wedding Academy course by seamlessly navigating it on a range of devices such as desktops, tablets, and mobile phones. 

Excitingly, as of 2024, we have introduced our dedicated app available for both Apple and Android platforms. This innovative app not only enhances the learning experience but also allows you to conveniently stream content to your television, providing an even more immersive educational journey.

Where you might find yourself now:

After this course:

This course isn’t just about learning; it’s about transforming you into a savvy wedding entrepreneur, adept in navigating the intricacies of marketing, brand building, and client relations, ensuring your services are not just sought-after but celebrated.

What You'll Learn

The course equips you with comprehensive skills in wedding business and marketing, covering critical areas from effective marketing strategies and brand development to client relations and vendor coordination. You’ll learn to leverage digital tools, craft compelling content, and manage business operations, ensuring your success in the dynamic wedding industry.


Identifying Your Business DNA

The first step in identifying your business DNA is discovering your why. You will learn how to define your purpose, values, and mission, and how to use these elements to create a strong and authentic brand identity.

By understanding your why, you will be able to communicate your unique value proposition to potential clients and customers, differentiate yourself from your competitors, and build a loyal customer base. In this module, you will also learn how to conduct a SWOT analysis to identify your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

Finding Your Ideal Client

You will learn how to define your ideal client’s demographics, psychographics, and behavior patterns, and how to use this information to create targeted marketing campaigns that resonate with your target audience.

By understanding your ideal client’s needs, wants, and pain points, you will be able to create products and services that meet their specific needs and provide value to them.You will learn how to differentiate yourself from your competitors by identifying your unique selling proposition and using it to create a brand identity that resonates with your target audience.


The Business Plan

The first step in creating your business plan is to define your business goals and objectives. You will learn how to identify your short-term and long-term goals, and how to develop a strategy to achieve them.

You will also learn how to create a mission statement, define your core values, and establish a unique selling proposition that differentiates you from your competitors.

Once you have defined your business goals and objectives, you will learn how to conduct market research and analyze your competition. You will learn how to identify your target audience, understand their needs and wants, and create products and services that meet their specific needs. You will also learn how to develop a pricing strategy that is competitive and profitable.

You will also have access to a bonus video on Fearless Growth for Today’s Business. This video will provide you with insights and strategies for growing your business in today’s fast-paced and competitive market.

You will learn how to stay ahead of the curve, identify emerging trends, and seize new opportunities for growth.


Pricing Your Services to Book Clients

The first step in pricing your services is to understand your costs and how to calculate them.

You will learn how to identify your fixed and variable costs, and how to use this information to develop pricing strategies that ensure profitability. You will also learn how to use pricing formulas to set prices that are competitive, but also allow for a healthy profit margin.

Once you have a solid understanding of your costs and how to calculate them, you will learn how to develop pricing strategies that appeal to your target audience. You will learn how to differentiate your pricing based on the value you offer, and how to communicate this value to your clients. You will also learn how to use pricing psychology to influence purchasing decisions and maximize your revenue.

In addition to pricing strategies and formulas, you will have access to a bonus video on Show Me The Money. This video will provide you with tips and strategies for increasing your revenue, maximizing your profits, and growing your business. You will learn how to negotiate effectively with clients, create upsell and cross-sell opportunities, and leverage your pricing to attract more clients.


Contracts and Insurance

The first part of this module covers contracts. You will learn how to create contracts that protect both you and your clients, and outline the terms of your services.

You will learn how to identify the key elements of a contract, including the scope of services, fees and payment terms, cancellation policies, and liability limitations. You will also learn how to use contracts to manage client expectations, minimize disputes, and protect yourself from legal liabilities.

The second part of this module covers insurance. You will learn about the different types of insurance that are necessary to protect your wedding business, such as liability insurance, property insurance, and workers’ compensation insurance. You will learn how to identify the risks that your business faces and how to select the right insurance policies to protect yourself and your clients.

Throughout the module, you will also learn about the legal regulations that govern the wedding industry, such as licensing requirements, permits, and taxes. You will learn how to comply with these regulations and avoid legal troubles.


Marketing 101

The first part of this module covers the foundation of marketing. You will learn about the four Ps of marketing – product, price, promotion, and place – and how to use them to create a marketing plan that appeals to your target audience. You will also learn about market research and how to use it to identify your ideal client and create a marketing strategy that resonates with them.

The second part of this module covers romancing your client. You will learn about the importance of building a personal connection with your clients and how to create a brand that speaks to their emotional needs. You will learn how to use storytelling and branding to differentiate your business from your competitors and build a loyal following.

The third part of this module covers the client experience. You will learn about the importance of creating a positive and memorable experience for your clients, from the initial consultation to the wedding day itself. You will learn how to create a seamless and stress-free experience for your clients, and how to use their feedback to improve your services and build a reputation for excellence.

The final part of this module covers the psychology of sales. You will learn about the different stages of the sales process and how to use psychology to influence purchasing decisions. You will learn how to identify your clients’ needs and desires and how to communicate the value of your services in a way that resonates with them.


Creating a Marketing Plan

The first part of this module covers your marketing research. You will learn how to conduct market research to gain insights into your target audience, including their demographics, behavior, and preferences. You will learn how to use this information to create a customer profile, or buyer persona, that represents your ideal client.

The second part of this module covers your marketing messaging. You will learn how to craft a compelling message that speaks directly to your ideal client’s needs and desires. You will learn how to differentiate your business from your competitors and position yourself as the go-to solution for your ideal client’s wedding needs.

The third part of this module covers your marketing channels. You will learn about the different marketing channels available to you, including social media, email marketing, advertising, and more. You will learn how to choose the right channels for your business and how to create content that resonates with your target audience.

The final part of this module covers your marketing plan. You will learn how to create a comprehensive marketing plan that incorporates your research, messaging, and channels. You will learn how to set marketing goals, create a budget, and measure the success of your marketing efforts.


Social Media Strategies

The first part of this module covers creating content. You will learn how to create high-quality, visually appealing content that resonates with your target audience. You will learn about different content types, including images, videos, and stories, and how to create a content calendar to plan your posts in advance.

The second part of this module covers what to post and when. You will learn about the different types of posts you can create, including educational, promotional, and behind-the-scenes content. You will learn how to choose the right mix of content for your audience and how to optimize your posting schedule for maximum engagement.

The third part of this module covers Facebook 101. You will learn how to create a Facebook business page, how to optimize your page for search, and how to use Facebook ads to reach your target audience.

The fourth part of this module covers Instagram 101. You will learn how to create an Instagram business profile, how to use hashtags to increase your reach, and how to use Instagram stories to engage with your audience.


Designing your Website

The first part of this module covers website set up basics. You will learn about different website platforms, how to choose the right one for your business, and how to register a domain name and hosting. You will also learn about the importance of website security and how to protect your site from hackers and malware.

The second part of this module covers content and navigation. You will learn how to create a website that effectively showcases your services, portfolio, and pricing. You will learn how to write compelling copy, choose the right images, and create a user-friendly navigation system. You will also learn about search engine optimization (SEO) and how to optimize your website for search engines.

The third part of this module covers launch and maintenance. You will learn how to launch your website and make it live for the world to see. You will also learn how to maintain your website, update content regularly, and troubleshoot any technical issues that may arise.


How to Create a Styled Shoot

In this module, you will learn how to create a styled shoot that showcases your wedding business and attracts potential clients. A styled shoot is a photo shoot that is styled to showcase specific products, services, or wedding themes. It is a valuable marketing tool for wedding businesses as it allows you to showcase your creativity and services.

The first part of this module covers creating the concept for your styled shoot. You will learn how to choose a theme, color scheme, and mood that aligns with your brand and attracts your ideal clients. You will also learn how to create a vision board and storyboard to communicate your concept to your team.

The second part of this module covers the planning process. You will learn how to create a timeline, budget, and vendor list for your styled shoot. You will also learn how to communicate your vision to your team and collaborate with them to bring your concept to life.

The third part of this module covers preparation and details. You will learn how to source and style props, choose the right venue, and create a shot list for your photographer. You will also learn about lighting and how to create a mood that aligns with your concept.

The fourth part of this module covers marketing your styled shoot. You will learn how to use your styled shoot to market your wedding business and attract potential clients. You will learn how to create a blog post, social media posts, and a press release to promote your shoot and showcase your work.



Personalization and Customer Experience

In the ever-evolving wedding industry, personalized marketing has become a crucial aspect of attracting and retaining customers. This module will delve into the significance of personalized marketing and guide participants on effective strategies to tailor marketing messages, offer personalized experiences, and create memorable customer journeys that enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Emotional Branding and Storytelling

Focus on the power of emotional branding and storytelling in connecting with wedding clients on a deeper level. Teach participants how to craft compelling narratives, evoke emotions through marketing materials, and build authentic brand experiences that resonate with couples.

Voice Search and Speaker Optimization

With the increasing use of voice search through devices like Amazon Alexa and Google Home, discuss the importance of optimizing wedding businesses for voice search. Teach participants how to structure content, enhance local search visibility, and leverage voice-activated assistants for marketing purposes.

This course isn’t just about learning; it’s about transforming you into a savvy wedding entrepreneur, adept in navigating the intricacies of marketing, brand building, and client relations, ensuring your services are not just sought-after but celebrated.

Limited Time Offer:

Bonus Course

We'll give you another Certificate Course! Worth $297 USD!

Business Bundle

A bundle of our top selling templates to kick-start your wedding planning processes.
Worth $149 USD!

Wedding Empires Pro

Enjoy a complimentary 3 month trial of our hit wedding group coaching program
Worth $57 USD!

Certificate in Wedding Business & Marketing

Take advantage of our ONE TIME OFFER today, giving you over $800 USD of value, or simply enroll in this course alone for the regular price. Both options come with Payment In Full or Payment Plan options. 


Don’t Pay $800 USD!

$197 USD

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Pay in Full or Payment Plan:

$297 USD

You’ll see the Course in your local currency on the next page.

Get Certified

The Wedding Academy is an industry certification body and recognised globally. Our courses are endorsed by an international Advisory Board of wedding professionals, and in some case stars, (David Tutera), who are all leaders in their respective fields. 

Student Community

The Wedding Academy Student Community, boasting over 1500 active students and graduates globally, offers a rich, collaborative platform that provides immense value, particularly to new graduates embarking on their professional journey. 

Being part of this vibrant community allows newcomers to tap into a wealth of knowledge and experience, facilitating learning beyond the confines of your course.

It’s a space where budding professionals can seek advice, share challenges, and celebrate successes with peers who understand the nuances of the industry.

Networking opportunities abound!

Meet Your Instructor

Kylie Lang (nee Carlson)

This course was developed originally by Kylie Lang, the Founder of The Wedding Academy. Although we continue to update the course content regularly, the foundations of wedding planning remain the same, so you’ll find a great deal of the original course content throughout the journey. 

Kylie Carlson’s journey in the industry is both rich and diverse, encompassing roles as a planner, stylist, and an educator. Her prowess as a designer is matched by her acclaim as an international entrepreneur, particularly noted for her expertise in marketing and innovative quiz designs.

Students will find Kylie to be not only knowledgeable but also approachable and engaging as an instructor, making the learning experience both enjoyable and enriching.

Have a Question?

The Academy is a private training organisation and the qualifications offered are both nationally and internationally recognised within the Wedding industry. There are no formal qualifications required to be a Wedding Planner, but studying with an industry recognised company like the Wedding Academy will not only equip you with the skills and knowledge you need to succeed, but also give your future clients confidence that they are hiring a professional.

Our certificates are recognised and accepted as a proof of your knowledge and skills. They are also accepted as proof of your commitment to learning and professional development. The certificate will contain information about the course you have completed, such as the topics covered and the duration of the course.

At The Wedding Academy we are dedicated to providing you with the best courses and certificates that are recognised and accepted by the wedding industry worldwide. With our courses, you can be sure that you will gain the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in your chosen field.

Wedding Academy Global provides comprehensive support to Certificate Course Students.

 Here are some of the ways that the academy supports its students:

  1. Course Materials: All students have access to the course materials, which are designed to be clear and easy to follow. The materials include video lessons, downloadable resources, case studies, and quizzes to test your understanding.
  2. Mentor Support: Students have access to dedicated Mentors who provide guidance and support throughout the course. Mentors are available via email, phone, and online discussion forums to answer any questions and provide feedback on assignments.
  3. Student Community: Students can connect with other students in the course through online discussion forums, allowing for networking and collaboration with peers in the industry.
  4. Live Trainings: Wedding Academy Global provides regular live trainings and events that cover a range of topics related to the wedding industry. These events are an opportunity for students to connect with instructors and guest speakers and ask questions in real-time.
  5. Job Opportunities: Wedding Academy Global provides job opportunities through its industry connections and network of graduates. This allows students to gain experience and build their careers in the wedding industry.

Overall, The Wedding Academy provides a supportive and collaborative learning environment, giving students the skills, knowledge, and confidence they need to succeed in the wedding industry.

The course is self-paced, so you can complete it at your own pace. However, the estimated time to complete the course is 12 weeks.

We update the course regularly to ensure that the content remains current and relevant. Core updates happen at least once a year.

All Wedding Academy courses are online and available to students from anywhere in the world. The course materials are entirely online, and students can access the course materials and resources at any time, from any device with an internet connection. 

The online course delivery format allows students to study at their own pace and complete the course from the comfort of their own home or office. Students can also connect with instructors and fellow students through online discussion forums, email, and live webinars, giving them the opportunity to network and collaborate with others in the wedding industry.

Yes, upon successfully completing any of the Certification Courses offered by Wedding Academy Global, students will receive a certificate of completion.

The certificate is a recognition of the student’s achievement in completing the course, and it verifies that the student has gained the skills and knowledge required to work as a professional wedding planner, stylist, or business owner.

The certificate is issued by The Wedding Academy and is internationally recognized, making it a valuable addition to your resume and professional portfolio.

In addition, The Wedding Academy provides ongoing support to its graduates, including access to its job board, industry connections, and networking opportunities. This support can help graduates to establish their careers in the wedding industry and continue to grow and develop their skills and knowledge.

I firmly believe that this course has been the best investment for my future!

The Wedding Academy provides up-to-date and in-depth knowledge, tools of the trade, work experience, support in the creation of your business, a lot of opportunities to grow and test yourself and many possibilities for networking with experts and creatives.

Monica Naclerio


Certificate in Wedding Business & Marketing

Take advantage of our ONE TIME OFFER today, giving you over $1600 USD of value, or simply enroll in this course alone for the regular price. Both options come with Payment In Full or Payment Plan options. 


Don’t Pay $800 USD!

$197 USD

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  • 00Seconds


Pay in Full or Payment Plan:

$297 USD

You’ll see the Course in your local currency on the next page.

David Tutera

Leading Wedding & Entertaining Expert, David Tutera is hailed as an artistic visionary whose ability, uniquely creative talents and outstanding reputation have made him a tremendous success in the lifestyle arena. Tutera has created a name for himself by taking his passion for designing spectacular events and transforming it into a lifestyle.

He continuously exceeds the expected with an unmatched level of inspiration, imagination and innovation to create the latest trends in entertaining. Tutera’s grandfather, a successful florist, first noticed his grandson’s artistic ability at an early age and encouraged David to pursue his destiny. At age 19, with the sound advice of his grandfather and only one client, David opened his own event planning business.

Today, David Tutera presides over an award winning company built from experience, dedication and Tutera’s natural talent for transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary. His name has become synonymous with style, elegance, creativity and vision. David Tutera has a natural talent for transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary. His name has become synonymous with style, elegance, creativity and vision.

Honored by Life & Style Magazine as “Best Celebrity Wedding Planner,” David’s impressive client list includes Jewel, Star Jones’ wedding, Real Housewife Taylor Armstrong’s wedding, Los Angeles Clippers’ Chris Paul’s wedding, NY Giants Antonio Pierce’s wedding, Shannen Doherty’s wedding and events for Jennifer Lopez, Matthew McConaughey, Brandy and Ray J, Jenni “JWoww” Farley, Lil’ Kim, the Official Post Grammy Parties in New York City, Elton John, Barbara Walters, the Rolling Stones, Nancy Reagan, Prince Charles, The White House, private events for the Vice President, Kenneth Cole, Tommy Hilfiger, Susan Lucci, The John F. Kennedy Center, as well as countless film premieres and celebrity parties for royalty, politicians and socialites.

Tutera has also designed events for several charities including the Prevent Cancer Foundation, the Alzheimer’s Association, DIFFA (Design Industries Foundation Fighting Aids) and the Make-A-Wish Foundation. David has made guest appearances on Today, Extra!, Good Morning America, The View, CNN, The Rachael Ray Show, The Talk, Steve Harvey, Wendy Williams and many more. In addition People, USA Today, In Touch, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, In Style, Cosmopolitan, Redbook, Bridal Guide and Town & Country have all featured his work.

Tutera has also made special television appearances in the popular daytime soap, The Young & the Restless and TV Land’s The Exes. David lives in Los Angeles with his husband Joey, daughter Cielo and their rescue dog Lucy.