Unless you have had a big windfall or have someone willing to finance your new venture starting a new business often means continuing to work full time until the money starts to come in. The dilemma faced by most people is knowing when to take the plunge and leave your well paying job and commit one hundred percent to your business. But before they get to that point there is the question of time management and how to juggle a job and a new business, and for many a young family too.
I’m not going to lie to you it isn’t easy. Sleep becomes a luxury and those lazy Sunday’s lying on the couch watching a movie and drinking a leisurely glass of wine are long gone. However, it isn’t all bad. You are lucky enough to turn your passion and dream into a real business and grow something from nothing watching it blossom like a flower. That in itself I incredibly rewarding and will give you some very proud moments.
Getting to that point though is the challenge and we hear and see the struggles many people have trying to keep all their balls in the air and make a success of their dream. In today’s Academy TV episode we give you our top tips to help you combine working full time with launching and running a wedding business.
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