Do you ever have those days where you wake up and are instantly inspired to do something? Well that happened to me last weekend and the impulse was too strong to ignore, so I did the only thing I could do and went with it. The result of this inspiration is a brand new series here on our blog called Tablescape Design from Home. The idea behind it is for us to show you how easy it is to practice your skills as a designer or stylist simply by using what you have within your home or garden.
I am lucky enough to spend quite a bit of time at my home in France and there is nothing that gets my creative juices flowing more than the beautiful French countryside, and that is what forms the basis of the first few tablescapes I am going to share with you.
As I said the emphasis here is not to produce publication worthy styled shoots, but simply to get you honing your designing skills and training your eye to see what’s around you in a different way. The first tablescape I’m sharing is quite simple and certainly not overstyled, as it has been produced using items from my home here in France, and in some cases my garden too, really it was a case of using whatever I thought would work to create a home based tabletop.
All the images and videos have been taken using my iPad so there is zero production and it is simply me at home doing what I love. I really hope you enjoy this series as an important part of your education, either here at the Academy or any training institution, is the ability to put what you learn into practice. These videos show you exactly how you too can do exactly that by simply walking around your house picking things up and playing with them.
I went from room to room picking up random objects dumping them all onto one big table till it was almost overflowing. From there I started to put them into ordered piles and slowly three distinct themes started to emerge, and from there all I did was pop to the local supermarket to buy some pastries and fruit, things I would use anyway. Other than that all the items used are things I have lying around my house.
My first tablescape is called Afternoon Tea a la Francais. Enjoy!