When you are new to an industry, all of the new terminology you encounter, can be confusing. Whilst you might have worked out that you would like to be involved in the wedding & event industry in some way, it may be less clear what you would like to do and often that is because you simply don’t quite understand the differences between the roles, or the types of events you could work on. Today’s post will help you understand more about the differences between being a Wedding Planner versus an Event Planner versus working as a Designer, so you can start planning your Wedding or Event Planning & Design career in the industry.
Let’s Start With The Terminology
Wedding or Event Planning is focused on the Administration, Logistics and Management of the Wedding or Event. Wedding or Event Design refers to how the wedding or event looks and feels; The concept or theme.
Weddings are social celebrations and at the Academy when we refer to Weddings in our courses, what you are learning can be applied to any sort of social celebration; christenings, showers, parties.
Events are events that have a purpose other than for the guests to simply have a good time (although that is important too). These are events that Government, Not-for-profit/charity and Business/Corporate entities will host to do things like promote a brand/product/cause, motivate a team, or inspire and education a group of professionals. Think conferences, meetings, product launches, fashion shows, festivals etc.
Talk to a professional
Our Course Advisors are professionals with industry experience and they can help you to understand more about the differences between each of the roles and what working on weddings as opposed to events, is really like. They will ask you about your experiences, take the time to understand what skills and knowledge you have and chat to you about your goals for the future. This will help them to advise you on which area of the industry you may be best suited to and they can also recommend a course that will help you to achieve your goals.
To speak with a Course Advisor, to discover is you career will be as a Wedding Planner, Event Planner or Designer, simply click on a campus link below and head to the Contact Us page to find details of how you can get in touch.
You can also find out more about working in the industry as a Wedding or Event Planner by reaching out to other professionals and attending wedding and event fairs/shows. Follow Wedding & Event Planners/Designers and Stylists on social media too. Most will publish content that takes you behind the scenes of what they do and this is a great way to learn more about the role.
Asking yourself the following questions will also help:
Which type of events you are most interested in; weddings + social celebrations, events, or a combination of all of them?
What activities you want to engage in when it comes to working on those events; planning, design, or both?
We have an excellent library of video resources that will also help you to understand more about the roles in the Wedding and Event industry. Here are just some you may find useful:
What’s the difference between Wedding Planning & Event Planning?
What is Event Design?
Destination Weddings
Review our Course Videos to learn more about which courses will help you to work on which events and in what roles.
Have we helped you to understand the difference between some of the key terminology relating to work as a Planner or Design in the event industry? If you need further advice or would like to speak with a course Advisor, please contact me.
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