Problem Solving for Your Wedding Business

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“The only real valuable thing is intuition.” – Albert Einstein

How many times have you heard the phrase ‘I follow my gut instinct’?

I would wager it would be a few.  I was reading an article not so long ago about intuition and how we should learn to trust it. Research shows that our instincts often hit us on an intuitive level, telling us exactly what we need to know well before our consciousness catches up with us.

Our powers of deduction and reasoning are all very important factors in our perception of the world, but our judgment is working even when we’re not conscious of it. There have been some extraordinary studies done that show it’s possible for the human mind to actually digest information more acutely when distracted than when giving our entire concentration to a subject.

This is because our intuitive brains are processing information even when we are not paying attention.

So what does all this have to do with your wedding business?

Well, I would say quite a lot. Running a business of any type is never easy, but within the wedding industry you’re often faced with situations that test you to the limit and put you on the spot.

Here’s my top tips on how to solve your wedding business problems quickly and easily.

Hit The Pause Button

Rather than over thinking these problems and frantically trying to come up with a solution you’re often better thinking over your options, moving onto something else that takes your concentration and then go with the first solution that pops into your head.

By hitting the pause button on your thoughts you’re allowing your unconscious mind time to work things through, filter the information and come up with the right answer.

Sleep On It

Another great solution is to ‘Sleep on it‘. I can hand on heart say that I very rarely lose sleep over a difficult decision, quite the opposite in fact.

There are actually 5 stages of sleep and the 5th stage is the one that relates to what we’re talking abouttand is called REM sleep (Rapid Eye Movement). It’s during this period that our brain has the most intense activity and is when we dream. REM sleep is good for problem-solving as this is when the brain is putting together pieces of what is in your mind and trying out new alternatives.

Several studies have shown that REM sleep is when many aha moments occur. Maybe this is why our mothers always told us that it would all be better after a good nights sleep.

Write It Down

Something I’ve been trying for a few years now, and I can quite categorically say that it does work, is to write down any problems I have before going to bed. Then let the intuitive side of my brain find the solution, so when I wake up in the morning I have the beginnings of an answer to my problems.

Follow Your Gut Instinct

Finally, having been in business now for over 20 years I’ve learnt to follow my gut instinct. Again many people will say this is just an old wives tale but really it’s all part of that sixth sense – intuition.

I swear by it. And in all the business decisions I’ve made those that have gone wrong are the ones where I’ve ignored my gut instinct and gone with what on paper looks like the sensible solution.

So if you take nothing else away from this blog post try and remember this, running a successful business is as much about intuition and having an ability to sense what is going to work for your business as having a business degree, if not more.

Learn to trust your own instinct and listen to those little voices in your head as they will very rarely if ever, let you down.

What might seem like the obvious path to take isn’t always the one that’s going to be the best for your business so allow your mind to run wild and never discount anything.

“I feel there are two people inside me — me and my intuition. If I go along against her, she’ll screw me every time, and if I follow her, we get along quite nicely.” – Kim Basinger

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David Tutera

Leading Wedding & Entertaining Expert, David Tutera is hailed as an artistic visionary whose ability, uniquely creative talents and outstanding reputation have made him a tremendous success in the lifestyle arena. Tutera has created a name for himself by taking his passion for designing spectacular events and transforming it into a lifestyle.

He continuously exceeds the expected with an unmatched level of inspiration, imagination and innovation to create the latest trends in entertaining. Tutera’s grandfather, a successful florist, first noticed his grandson’s artistic ability at an early age and encouraged David to pursue his destiny. At age 19, with the sound advice of his grandfather and only one client, David opened his own event planning business.

Today, David Tutera presides over an award winning company built from experience, dedication and Tutera’s natural talent for transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary. His name has become synonymous with style, elegance, creativity and vision. David Tutera has a natural talent for transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary. His name has become synonymous with style, elegance, creativity and vision.

Honored by Life & Style Magazine as “Best Celebrity Wedding Planner,” David’s impressive client list includes Jewel, Star Jones’ wedding, Real Housewife Taylor Armstrong’s wedding, Los Angeles Clippers’ Chris Paul’s wedding, NY Giants Antonio Pierce’s wedding, Shannen Doherty’s wedding and events for Jennifer Lopez, Matthew McConaughey, Brandy and Ray J, Jenni “JWoww” Farley, Lil’ Kim, the Official Post Grammy Parties in New York City, Elton John, Barbara Walters, the Rolling Stones, Nancy Reagan, Prince Charles, The White House, private events for the Vice President, Kenneth Cole, Tommy Hilfiger, Susan Lucci, The John F. Kennedy Center, as well as countless film premieres and celebrity parties for royalty, politicians and socialites.

Tutera has also designed events for several charities including the Prevent Cancer Foundation, the Alzheimer’s Association, DIFFA (Design Industries Foundation Fighting Aids) and the Make-A-Wish Foundation. David has made guest appearances on Today, Extra!, Good Morning America, The View, CNN, The Rachael Ray Show, The Talk, Steve Harvey, Wendy Williams and many more. In addition People, USA Today, In Touch, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, In Style, Cosmopolitan, Redbook, Bridal Guide and Town & Country have all featured his work.

Tutera has also made special television appearances in the popular daytime soap, The Young & the Restless and TV Land’s The Exes. David lives in Los Angeles with his husband Joey, daughter Cielo and their rescue dog Lucy.