Doing your first client consultation as a wedding planner is scary and was certainly up there with visiting the dentist for me. I had butterflies the night before, couldn’t sleep and felt sick.
I knew I was prepared, or as prepared as I thought I could be, but the sheer thought of trying to advise a couple was frightening.
How would I know what to say?
How would I deal with the question of clients and how many testimonials I had?
What if she didn’t like me?
All these thoughts and plenty more were rocketing through my head. Now there isn’t much I can do to take those feelings away from you. But I can help you to make sure you have covered all the steps you need to in order to feel prepared and confident.
Follow these five steps and your first consultation as a wedding planner will be so much easier.
Step 1 – be prepared
This is the Boy Scout Motto and it has stood the test of time for a reason – because it works. No two couples are the same, however there are certain things you can do to help you out with most situations you are faced with.
You need to devise a questionnaire that covers ALL eventualities.
Now don’t think for one second that you will ask every single question on the list every time you sit down with a potential client, but it will help you when you have a brain freeze and don’t know what to ask next. Rather than looking blankly at your couple you’ll be able to scan through your questionnaire to help prompt you with what to say next.
Step 2 – create a Brag Pack
This is essentially your leave behind information or your brochure. A beautifully designed brochure shows your couple you’re serious and not just a part timer playing around at being a wedding planner.
This can be sent to your client once you get back to the office if you’re more of a digital person. But there is something quite special in receiving something physical. Especially if there’s a handwritten note in there.
If you’re looking for some inspiration we do some gorgeous templates as part of our Wedding Business Template Pack. Take a look here >>>
Step 3 – leave your mark
Try and think of something that’s unique that will make you stand out from the crowd. When I was a planner I used to take a mini bridal survival kit to all my consultations with me to give to the potential client.
In there was a bite size chocolate bar, corsage pins, bobby pins, breath mints, band aids and a strip of nurofen tablets. This was all packaged in a tiny cardboard box with my company colours, logo and business card in it.
I only gave it to the clients I wanted though.
People always remembered me and loved the gift. It wasn’t expensive and it really helped me to stay in the mind of the couple and showed off my creativity.
Step 4 – dress the part
Make sure you dress appropriately. If you’re promoting yourself as an edgy, slightly offbeat type of planner then don’t wear a corporate suit.
Try and make sure that what you wear tells the story of your brand. This will sit well with your clients as they’ll feel much more at ease with you.
If you look like the brand you’ve promoted on your website and social media it will instill confidence and help with the know, like and trust factor.
Step 5 – don’t talk
Listen. Most couples want to talk about themselves and their wedding. They don’t want to spend time listening to you waffle on about how wonderful you are and what you’re going to do for them.
The more you listen the easier you will find it to sell your services.
If you listen carefully to your client they’ll tell you everything you need to know in order to ask the right leading questions. In their first five sentences they’ll tell you what they hate, what style they wants, their wedding colours and their budget (although not an actual figure value).
Your first client consultation as a wedding planner should be 20% talking and 80% listening.
Finally, always remember to book a time to call them for a follow up. If you vale your time they will too.
If you want to know more about how to conduct consultation and the tricks and tips we have learnt over the years then take a look at the Certificate in Wedding Planning.
The video below is sneak peek at a role play from within our course material on how to conduct a consultation.