Brookie Nickleson, a dedicated student at the Wedding Academy, is currently pursuing a second certification in Wedding, Floral, and Event Design. With a thriving business called Enchanted Weddings and Events LLC, based in the USA, Brookie is well-versed in the art of creating magical wedding experiences and mastering every intricate detail of the planning process.
What course and year did you study at The Wedding Academy?
Advanced Certification
What was your highlights studying with The Wedding Academy?
Learning the aspects of how to run a successful business, building an informative and visual website that clients will want to visit. Also how to build my clientele through Social Media.
What is your role now in weddings?
I am a Wedding Planner and Stylist
How did you find your course assisted you in your career?
It helped me improve on my experience and knowledge as a Wedding Planner & Stylist in 2023 and the coming years now that the economy is slowly building back after COVID-19.
Any advice for aspiring wedding planners or stylists?
Never give up on your passion and drive to succeed. If you have the passion, creativity and love for weddings, don’t let anyone stop you from doing it.
Follow Brooke on Instagram HERE, Facebook HERE or visit her website at