Should you publish your prices on you website for potential clients?
This is a hard one, and a personal decision for each individual business. Unlike other suppliers, a florists job is generally bespoke to the wedding/couple and therefore it may be difficult to advertise price guides. If you offer packages it may be easier to price and advertise the packages.
Although, could it save you time and energy by publishing estimate prices for your most frequently requested designs that generally don’t change in terms of quantity of materials?
Last month, after numerous years without advertising my prices, I added a price guide on my website. I did this because I was noticing a trend in couples enquiring with me, but not hearing back after I sent their quote out. This can be a really hard reality, especially after taking the time to have a consultation and compiling the quote. In addition, I have seen a rise in couples messaging and asking if I had a price guide, which appears as though florist quotes are being compared. Florists are not like for like, and neither are their designs, as variety, quality and quantity of flowers are going to vary, so don’t base your prices or another florist.
The pricing guide I published on my website features my most popular designs and therefore a potential couple can look at that before they make the decision to enquire. It may mean I get less enquiries, however, hopefully it means the enquiries that do come through are more serious about booking and not comparing quotes with other florists.